Dear Parents,                                           January 12, 2015


Yee Haw! This week is Cowboy Week in Kindergarten! All week long we will be learning about Cowboys and the Lone Prairie. This Friday, (January 16) we will high-tail it to the “Kindergarten Corral” for a “Cowboy Cook-Out”. You are ALL invited to join us for Cattle ropin’, barrel racing, a sing a-long and Cowboy Vittles! Bring your cameras! If your child has cowboy boots or a cowboy hat, he/she can wear it on Friday. We will be making vests and bandanas. PLEASE send a SOUP SIZE TIN CAN for your “cowpoke” to drink out of at the cookout. We will be making cowboy grub to eat!!! PLEASE read the attached note about COWBOY DAY!!!!


Our Bible verse is Psalm 147:1, “Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God”. Our character trait is Perseverance; never give up when you are doing what is right and good.


Thank you for returning the Homework folders on Thursday. It is essential to your child’s progress. It helps to establish habits for the future school years.





On Friday, February 13th we will be presenting our Patriotic Show ( RED, WHITE and BLUE REVIEW). There will be songs, flags, and each child has a special poem or saying to recite. BRING YOUR CAMERAS!! I will be sending home your child’s poem next week for you to practice at home. SHOWTIME will be at 9:00 a.m. After a recess we will have our Valentine Party! Please have your child send valentines to everyone in his/her class. This will avoid hurt feelings. DO NOT have your child write any names on the outside of the envelopes. Sorting mail for so many children can be a nightmare for the teachers!!!! Encourage your child to write his or her name on their cards. It’s great practice!


WOW! This is a lot of info at one time!! Time is going sooo quickly so I like to keep you informed!



January 15     Applebee’s Fundraiser/Fellowship Dinner


January 16     Cowboy Day


January 19     Martin Luther King Day – NO School


February 9     Lincoln’s Birthday (NO school)


February 13     RED, WHITE, and BLUE REVIEW and

Valentines Day PARTY

February 16     President’s Day (No school)




With love and appreciation,

Mrs. Witters and your Persevering Kindergartner