Dear Kindergarten Parents,                           January 19, 2015


Thanks to all who helped to make our Cowboy Cookout a Texas-sized success. We had a rip-roaring time lassoing, barrel-racing, and making horses-in-the-blanket.


This week our verse is “In Quietness and trust is your strength”- Isaiah 30:15. Our character trait is Wisdom-seeing situations the way God does and making decisions which would please Him. We are trying to review and reinforce former character traits, so if you observe your child exhibiting one of them, please write me a note. We will read it to the class. The children are so excited to have their good qualities recognized by their parents and friends.

I am sending home your child’s part for the Red, White and Blue Review. Please practice it at home ! It is a VERY fun filled day!!! (February 13 at 9:00 a.m.)


This Friday is the 100th day of school!! We will celebrate by making 100 Day Soup! Please read the attached flyer to learn all the details!



February 9      Lincoln’s Birthday (NO school)


February 13     RED, WHITE, and BLUE REVIEW (9:00a.m.) and Valentine Party ( 10:15)

February 16     President’s Day (No school)



God Bless you all.

Mrs. Witters and your wise Kindergartner