FCS Academic


Once again (over the last 11 years; previously called Red Buckets) we have the privilege to help the families of Pinedale this holiday season! We will be collecting CANned foods Nov. 17th thru Dec. 9th to distribute through the Pinedale Book Buddies program. Our students are already volunteering as Book Buddies at Pinedale elementary school and we would like to continue our support for their programs. Our delivery this year will help families by providing food for Christmas.

Pinedale resource leaders put together a list of items most used in the community and this information will come home today. Please check this list before you shop.

If you are interested in making a financial donation, please send cash/check to the office and designate “Food – Pinedale.” We have a program with Food Maxx where we use scrip and S.H.A.R.E.S. so FCS also benefits!

If you have any questions, please contact Rob Foshee at rfoshee@fresnochristian.com.


A sign-up paper will come home today for an after school tennis program. It will be on Thursdays (November 20, December 4, December 11 and December 18) at 2:45-3:45 P.M. on the blacktop. The cost is $39.00 and includes a FREE tennis racquet and 4 hours of lessons. Turn in the completed form to the school office by Wednesday, November 19.


Students will independently read a book from a different genre each month. Class time will be given every day for silent reading and students are expected to read a minimum of 10 pages a day. If they are unable to complete this in class, then reading becomes homework.

The genre for the month of November is historical fiction. Students should show their selected historical fiction book to me for approval. As a response to this literature, students will make a book cube. Students may get the book cube manila tag material and rubric from me when they are finished reading their books. The book cubes are due on Monday, December 1.

Side 1: The title, the author, and the student’s name neatly labeled.

Side 2: The setting illustrated and a written one-sentence description.

Side 3: The protagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 4: The antagonist illustrated and a written one-sentence description, including the name of the character.

Side 5: The conflict described in detail.

Side 6: A summary which includes what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.


This week students will continue persuasive writing.


We continue Chapter 4 with writing and solving expressions and equations. The test on these concepts (text pp.162-177) will be on Tuesday, November 25.


This week we continue our study of plants.


This week we continue Unit 4 Gospel Writings: Jesus’ Birth and Early Ministry


Students will memorize scripture weekly and take a written test each Friday. The memory verse for this week 1 Corinthians 10:13 and the test will be this Friday, November 21. Students will be graded on writing the verse accurately, including correct wording, spelling, punctuation, grammar and scripture reference.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 

1 Corinthians 10:13


Lesson 15 words will be tested this Friday, November 21.

Spelling Lesson 15

Suffixes –im-, in-, ir-, il-

  1. inability
  2. inaccessible
  3. inadequate
  4. inadmissible
  5. inappropriate
  6. inattentive
  7. impress
  8. inaudible
  9. indigestion
  10. irrational
  11. insecure
  12. irresponsible
  13. immobile
  14. immovable
  15. impartial

 Challenge Words

  1. inequitable
  2. ineligible
  3. indistinctive
  4. impending
  5. inexcusable


  • Classroom Thanksgiving Party: November 25 at 1:30 P.M.
  • Happy Birthday to Owen McCann: November 25 
  • NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break: November 26-28
  • Town Hall Meeting: December 1 at 6:30 PM
  • Elementary Drama “A Bag Full of Fables”: December 5 at 7:00 PM
  • JH/HS Christmas Program: December 8 at 7:00 PM
  • K-6 Christmas Program: December 9 at 7:00 PM
  • Classroom Christmas Party: December 12 from 8:00-9:00 AM
  • Elementary Roller Skating: December 12 from 9:30-11:30 AM
  • NOON DISMISSAL: December 12
  • End of First Semester: December 12
  • NO SCHOOL Christmas Break: December 15-January 2
  • School Resumes: January 5